What’s health really all about!

This and some of my other blogs are all about EXPOSING FRAUD. There are many on the net and in the world today screaming about medical fraud. All that is said is not even the tip of the iceberg. There is MEGA FRAUD because the whole of disease is being misrepresented. The truth? Humane people can make themselves well, by themselves and stay well even in the worse stress when that person understands the foul games that are being played by toxic people with whom they are related. A threat was made to me very recently by means of a word “telescope”. This is hash. Hash is taking a word or words and re-cooking it or hashing it to convey a different meaning. The hash is “tell less cope”. They have embarked on a campaign of brutally stressing me. And I strongly believe that “they” includes toxic and greedy doctors involved in trying to take my life to stop me from exposing the truth about disease. My response is I will tell ALL and I will tell all and I my two dogs survive all UNSCATHED and we conquer. We defeat all evil. It is total victory for the humane. I will soon have knowledge about all of the foul play of the evil subculture that is etiological in disease. It is unsuspecting, misinformed people who get caught and get sick. Turn on the lights and the devil is dead. I am victorious! It is a game of GO and I will soon have all of the territory.

Some years ago I heard an American commentator on television say

We are bringing down the crime rate, now all we have to worry about is disease”.

He as everyone that is non-toxic saw disease as the result of natural causes. It is after all what we are told by the medicos! What I have found since then is that DISEASE IS THE DAMAGE TAKEN as a result of crimes of terror! However the crimes are not obvious. The picture is ugly but despite that I bring you very good news! YOU have it in your power to overcome disease, without drugs and medical procedures, without special diets and weird alternative methods either. First you need to understand the reality and accept honesty, reject artifice and promises. You need to be in the driver’s seat where your body and your health is concerned and not someone else. I share with you my findings, but information is not enough. You need to investigate what I am putting forth in order to realize the truth. Only then will you become empowered and not only to overcome disease, but to realize far broader horizons, to experience to a new, higher level of living. You will also realize that ethics is the foundation stone of health.

To Best Understand Diseases it is very important to understand the Underlying Conditions of Disease. I realized that this was a shortcoming of my work so I have started a series of videos to help explain these underlying conditions.

The video series Introduction is here on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nxUl19yZU0 and in it I share with you a personal experience that made me rethink my basic university education regarding the body as a machine and disease as a malfunction in the machine. The next video will be on how beliefs can be manufactured and I expect the series will be seven videos in all. I am hoping to keep them as concise as possible. This first video is 23 minutes and the next one probably also around 20 mins.

I have started a new blog here https://kyrani99videos.wordpress.com/

where I will post all of my videos. I have realized that there are important aspects about toxic people’s foul play that is very important in understanding to fully appreciate my blogs so I am making videos to explain these.


1. This post is both an introduction and a contents page so that it is easier to navigate around my blog. You can use your back arrow to return back from each area.

2. I have begun to write this in a simpler form on another blog at  http://kyrani99book1.wordpress.com/ Here I explain the basic cheat and how it is used. It’s aim is mainly to manipulate and control another person or to punish them or to extract revenge but there are a multitude of uses. Some result in damage, disease and death while others do not create health issues but may disadvantage a person in other ways..

I have now started the second book, which I have called “Is there disease?” at

http://kyrani99book2.wordpress.com/    In this book I set out what I have discovered and by which not only can I use to stay healthy but serious question whether the major diseases at least are legitimate medical conditions at all. )

There have been two main classes of disease. Firstly there is the communicable diseases that have been conquered largely by the discovery of antibiotics and the use of vaccines. However as a country industrializes a new form of disease has appeared, the non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Certainly there has been the mass migration of people from the country side and a rural lifestyle to the cities and an urban lifestyle, which may be far less active. However this is not enough to explain the trends we see. We could further say that where people lived in small communities they now live very close to one another in large complexes. And we could surmise that maybe people politics has something to do with the matter. However I doubt that even this is enough because the average person will not resort to underhanded violence of the sort that causes an unsuspecting person to react as to generate somatic malfunction for any reason whatever. It takes a particular type of person to act maliciously and most particularly in an ongoing manner. What the evidence shows, when you see what underlies non-communicable diseases, is that there is a rise of evil people in society, since the 1960’s and in the last twenty or thirty years in particular. I would estimate that it may be as many as 15% of the population.

Since the early sixties, the medical industry as an industry has grown and expanded as to control not only the manufacture and sale of drugs and medical products but a lot more. It control the education of doctors and nurses, the research facilities, the medical journals,  It’s influence what papers get publish and what don’t. It influences the medical associations and through them has given doctors the power to exclude all those that are not practicing strictly and only allopathic medicine. In the US they made it a felony for a doctor to treat a patient with any other methods. Doctors have ended up to jail and died in jail for treating and curing patients by other methods. Big Pharma influences and even controls in many cases a country’s drug watch dog, which ought to be an independent body. In the US it has a great influence over the decisions of the FDA and it is Big Pharma that tests all drugs for toxicity. They control research into diseases and drugs and the journals in which the results are published. Big Pharma also holds substantial influence in the decisions of governments, where their interests are concerned. They need many diseased people in society to make money. Profits are the life blood of any and all companies and the medical companies are no exception. They need people on drugs for an extended period of time and in many cases for a lifetime. It is in the interests of Big Pharma and the doctors of allopathic medicine to see disease flourish and that is exactly what has happened.

We are bombarded with statistics about mortality rate, which look good at a glance BUT they give a false impression. Most people who get diseases such as cancer and heart disease don’t live longer than 5 to 7 years after treatment. So while the figures indicate that more people survive these terrible diseases, they don’t show that survival in most cases is only for another few years. The person will still die prematurely.

Take cardiovascular disease (CVD)..

If we only look at one or two year charts there seems to be a downward trend but if we look at the big picture one is alarmed. The figures for women are difficult to obtain. There is a lot of secrecy about the data. But data even for both sexes it is difficult to find if we are looking for data on incidence or prevalence. However even from the death rates from cardiovascular disease (CVD) we can see the trend:

And I think it is useless to believe that heart disease is due to all the risk factors we are told about because even fit women have heart problems. So the message is whether you look after your health or not you are still a candidate for heart disease! This fact in itself smells of rats.. the two legged variety with horns on their heads, the manipulative, controlling types!

Diabetes has also likewise escalated. There are around 300 million with the disease worldwide.

Mental disorders have gone from around 1-2% in the early 20th century to 20% or more in the early 21st century.

What’s going on?

Look at these interesting correlations:

It appears with women’s liberation there is an escalation in disease. What has happened is with the adverse influences on women for the sake of power and influence, means that their children are also affected, the next generation is affected. If we had figures about the rise of toxicity in society, then we would see it that coincides with the escalation of disease. The psychiatric profession talks about psychopaths as being 2 or 3 in every hundred (2-3%) but the reality is far worse. They are only quoting figures on those that do obvious crimes, those that end up in the criminal justice system.

Psychiatric classifications of “behavioral disorders” are really a general group, that of people who are toxic and harmful towards others. They look normal but they are surely not normal. These people are seriously criminal. They exploit and abuse others through toxic relationships. And while they don’t actually cause the diseases, their actions are designed to cause an unsuspecting person to react in such a way as to bring about malfunction in their bodies. And blaming the victim isn’t of value because every victim has also the burden of the medical misinformation to blind sight them and makes them more vulnerable. All of the major diseases and premature deaths are manufactured for the sake of power and influence and for the sake of money. Hitler killed 5 or 6 million, even the second world war in total killed 25 million.. small chips when you see the bigger picture, that of crime created. Worldwide there are 300 million with diabetes, 600 million with heart disease, 450 million with cancer and a huge death rate in the tens of millions every year. The Second World War and Hitler pale into insignificance by comparison.


The evidence.. where’s the evidence” is the immediate catch cry of all toxic people. And they are aggressive.. sounding confident. Of course, of course because they know full well that you won’t find any in any medical texts. Why? Because the research that is done only reinforces the medical narrative about risk factors, eating fat and sitting around all day watching the footy is bad for you stuff. They know this is not true but that is where the money is. Certainly a balanced diet and some exercise every day is good for your health but diet and lack of exercise won’t make you sick. On investigating these matters, you will find the evidence for yourself. There is no mental disorder and physical diseases. The only reality is that idea that are upheld as true act as directives on the body, so body function is altered  in some way either causing organs conflict or overexertion. Thus there is bodily malfunction.

A big problem for society as a whole is that the foul play of toxic people can only be done with the involvement of like-minded others. They never act alone. As a result they necessarily all need to network. The evidence is seen when we see how diseases are brought about and how many people it takes to play the foul games that cause an unsuspecting person to react adversely. Then you will realize that there is no “paranoid conspiracy theories” that anyone can put forth as the culprits are quick to suggest, but a real conspiracy going on. I would estimate based on the figures for diseases and the number of people it takes to pathologically stress a person, that the number of toxic people is possibly as much as 15% of every nation’s population, possibly more. The situation worldwide has reached a critical level.

Toxic people are the darlings of the medical industry since they help generate diseases and medical conditions from which profit are made. Little wonder that the true causes behind disease are obscured by medical misinformation. A toxic subculture proliferates, while Big Pharma makes humungous profits every year. But where does that leave the vast majority of the population who are humane? Where are we headed? This problem is the real big problem. Only by addressing the problem of toxicity, we don’t have a chance to address and fix the other problems because it is the primary cause, if not sole cause of all the other problems.

The medicos do not give evidence of disease. Of course not, the evidence is their Achilles ’ heel. That is why they only talk about risk factors such as lifestyle choices, diets, a sedentary lifestyle, age, gender, genes and toxins in the environment. And these days they are even trying to attribute some cancers to viruses when there are no real pointers. The number of women with cervical cancer and papilloma virus is a tiny percentage of those with the cancer. And yet they are inciting the public to launch into an immunization program of young girls that could cause harm in some cases and when the truth is known, is of no benefit. This is just another example of how all the research is geared around risk factors. Disease is not being properly investigated but rather with profits in mind. And sometimes they make it up as they go along. I saw one place on the net (pointed out to me by a toxic person on a forum) that claimed the lymph glands drained out cancer cells and kill them. Garbage, firstly the immune system does not kill cancer cells, outside of apoptosis which is cell death that every cell undergoes when it is aged or damaged. That is well known but little spoken about with the public. Secondly the lymph nodes are accumulations lymphoid tissues organized as definite lymph organs and are sometimes called lymph glands. These contain lymphocytes and are part of the defense mechanism of the body. Cancer cells are immunological products and thus find their way to these organs. What’s more is that if they were killed in the lymph glands why then do they get to travel to other parts of the body? Their statement is not the result of observation but conjecture because they are committed to the rogue cells story. That’s where the money’s at..

In countries like the USA the medical/pharmaceutical industry constitutes 1/6 of the country’s economy and it is headed for greater heights. How happy are you to have to suffer serious diseases such as cancer and have your life cut short, for others to have a job and more to the point for a tiny percentage of people to become rich and live a life of luxury?

The reality is that the average person can make themselves well, without drugs and medical procedures. Lay people can put forth the evidence needed to prove that disease is about crime. They can do this with neither medical degrees nor multi-million dollar research budgets. High school biology and some crude equipment that can be bought from pharmacies and fitness stores are enough. You only need to understand why your body is reacting.. nothing more! This is easily seen when experiments are done by lay, humane people that mimic the foul game play. When a person sees and understands this they become empowered and are able to stop reacting. The body will do the clean-up job, even without any further ado, but you can hurry up the processes that restore normal function of the body using mental prescriptions.. ideas formulated in a particular way. I have also found that the so-called healing that some people are supposed to do from afar, claiming to affect tissues and organs directly with thoughts is also a load of garbage. The only way that the body is restored to health is when the person stops reacting adversely. This is my testimony and it can work for you too but you need to first understand what it is all about first.

HERE IS THE EVIDENCE, when you understand all the parts of this formula, not of risk factors but cause factors.

The causes formula for pathological stress and disease.

The three keys of medical misinformation are those of the human condition. With these misrepresented the real causes stay hidden. So let’s tackle these first.

KEY #1 The EMOTIONS. what are they really? Are they psychological? Or are they PHYSIOLOGICAL!

If they are physiological then the whole medical picture changes because our emotions are part and parcel of pathological stress and not the ordinary everyday life stress that we experience and which doctors insist is the problem together with bad lifestyle choices.

I have found that..:

emotions are the rational changes to whole body function because some job needs to be done in or by the body!

This means that emotions are the bodily reactivity that arises owing to ideas we deem real or relevant that point to some action that needs to be done. So ideas of danger lead to fear, ideas of injustice and violations lead to anger, ideas of loss lead to sadness, ideas of gain and pleasure lead to happiness and perplexing ideas lead us to search for solutions and when we don’t have enough information circular thinking or worry develops.

The changes in all instances are changes to organ function. Most particularly affected are the heart, the lungs and organs of the digestive system. To effect these changes there are changes in body chemistry and hormonal levels in the blood stream etc. Some of these are the supposed “chemical and hormonal imbalances”. When pathological stress reaches a certain stage disease develops.

Medical science classifies the emotions as inner feelings or mental states, which arise in some area of the brain and are experience in the brain. And they thus call psychological so it is little wonder then that “emotion” is a word rarely found in textbooks of physicians. The view that there are such things as emotions residing or activated by certain areas of the brain means that the body and the reactions in the body can be seen as “accompanying events”. This view, as you will see, in part hides the true causes of disease. They have created the illusion of there being mental and physical diseases, when in reality disease is all physical dysfunction and nothing else. This division of disease is the highway for drugging people as the sole solution to their problems and drugging them for what are really normal body functions to boot!

You can read more about emotions in this post https://kyrani99.wordpress.com/2011/12/26/the-emotions-what-are-they-exactly/

KEY #2  ESP.. what????

ESP or what is known in science as psi, is NOT BEING INVESTIGATED HONESTLY. All experiments are double and triple blinded. ESP is never investigated within relationship. If we add conditions of danger then ESP is even greater. With fear there are higher levels of mental perception which are NEVER investigated. The claim made to me is that such experiments would be unethical. These experiments would inform people not harm them. Danger is not harm, but the possibility of harm. DANGER is used in foul games TO DO HARM. Keeping people ignorant allows the crimes that are going on! That is unethical!

The ESP that is admitted is so small you need a magnifying glass to see it on the graph. The ESP that is not being investigated under claims of not being scientific and not ethical is nearly as great as sensory perception. Why not do this research? It would point to the true causes of disease! They know that the 80% of people know to one extent or another that they do possess extra sensory perception, the ability to perceive mentally. Thus they cannot deny ESP. (And I might add that the vast majoritiy of those that deny ESP would be toxic people, those that have vested interests in denying it.)

ESP experiments are done in such a way as ti belie the truth owing to the scientific communities insistence that all the experiments have to be double and triple blinded. And there is an endless army of so-called skeptics that sound their loud horns.. pooh, poohing ESP based on nothing but unfounded opinion, the “it just can’t be real” opinion. The vast majority of scientists claim reality is only physical and ESP goes against their paradigm! And then there are people like Randi out there who claim that if something can be done as a trick then why wouldn’t it be done as a trick? What garbage! And every psychic that he tests of course is double blinded, so the means by which the psychic knows, ie ESP, are taken out of the experiment. Of course with blinds ESP is seriously diminished as to be just a bleep on the graph.

You can see for yourself, how experiments are done and how they need to be done and the implications of those experiments best here  http://stressanddisease.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/esp-scientific-posted-on-december-29.html

https://kyrani99.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/esp-the-scientific-evidence/  )

and here https://kyrani99.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/esp-the-scientific-evidence-2/

I have also given here a couple of example of the uses of ESP in foul game play here https://kyrani99.wordpress.com/2011/12/31/two-simple-uses-of-fear-and-esp-in-foul-game-play/

One example is “how a person can be made to fall in love at first sight” and the other is “the basic way an allergy is created”.


Heck this has got to be psychological.. aye?? Isn’t it?? NO! The comfort zone is a zone of mental fuzz.. yes.. BUT it is brought about by manipulating the breath.. and that means body function is affected.. Heart function and the metabolic rate is affected AND with dire consequences for a person’s health where there are fear conditions as well. I have found nothing in the medical literature admitting the physical aspects. You won’t find it mentioned in a physician’s handbook, while psychiatrists pass over a comfort zone as hardly relevant to anything. And why not, when you see the damage it can do, you’ll realize that it’s a drug pusher’s paradise; profit taking guaranteed. I explain the comfort zone and the two basic coping habits that bring it into being here  https://kyrani99.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/comfort-zones-coping-habits/


Once you understand these three keys (in other words you overcome the medical misinformation) you get a hint about pathological stress. All the changes in the body, in cardiovascular activity, in liver function and so on to changes in brain activity are all due to emotion and when emotions are brought on, and particularly when they are prolonged due to toxic relationship and accompanied by a comfort zone. We begin to see that the pathological stress that leads to disease is none other than the bodily malfunction. Then the lights can come on. There is nothing psychological about stress. It is NOT in your head but in your body. Intense and/or episodic, either short or long-term stress, leads to organ and tissue damage so the symptoms that doctors call “clinical symptoms” come into being. When clinical symptoms appear the pathological stress has become the disease.. 

Our emotional responses are part and parcel of how we relate and respond to any given situation and none of us are blocks of wood. You can be sure that those that look like cool cucumbers on the outside no matter what, are really boiling infernos on the inside. The only thing that makes them “keep their cool” is the knowledge that they can do deadly harm in the shape of revenge through their toxic network.. BUT not anymore – the truth is out and they haven’t been able to “make the messenger go away permanently” to use their jargon.

I am sharing this information for your benefit. These are my scientific findings, since I have approached these matters as a scientist. The evidence you find for yourselves when you understand the foul game play.. when you see what happens in the body. Thus I have set the work out with experiments, which mimic the foul play. These can be done and need to be done by lay, humane people. This work needs to be “peer reviewed”. The peers here are the humane people needed to repeat the experiments. I doubt the medical researchers will ever do this research because disease is big business. Out of possibly two thousand doctors I have reached only one spoke positively to say “you are doing good work”. The rest were mainly offensive.

The main reason for you to do the research is for your own benefit and not just to prove these matters academically. To become empowered one certainly needs information but that information is of little use when it remains simply intellectual. To become empowered you need to reach a stage of realization. You need to undergo the early stages of pathological stress and disease to realize what they are and how they feel in the body. You will realize that you have total command over your body-mind. You need to understand and realize how you can overcome any and all adverse influences. You can restore your health. You can overcome all of the major diseases and medical conditions that plague the human kind. You can even protect your children and pets as well. YOU have it in your power to overcome disease WITHOUT the assistance of doctors. You need no medicines, no surgery, “no cook, fry and marinate procedures” to get well and stay healthy. Peer-review of my work is for the benefit of the humane and not for my work’s sake alone. This work is not for me but for humanity.

Here I share with you the true reasons for what are written off as panic and anxiety attacks as so-called mental disorders. These are physical and the heart is primarily affected. Through an understanding of the basic foul game play and the biological consequences in the body, you will see how pathological stress is the somatic dysfunction and nothing else. The medico’s claim that it is the “fight and flight response going haywire” is just garbage. The unsuspecting person suffers somatic dysfunction owing to maltreatment by a toxic mob. To call panic and anxiety  “mental disorders” is criminal in itself, for it not only discredits the victims, it also allows for the problem to perpetuate and become a serious cardiovascular problem over time. You need only high school biology to understand it.

Danger and ESP are key ingredients in the foul play to cause the other person to react with fear and a coping habit. Fear, as you will have seen earlier creates a blind spot because the person becomes highly perceptive and less discriminative. Perception is favored until the person has the information that they need to decide what to do next. This blind spot is exploited by toxic people to cause the person to react and in the process suffer somatic malfunction.

So here is the NEXT PARAMETER in the formula, the ‘how’ of the foul game play, ie how do toxic people operate?

I have described it in the following posts:

Our first Hints of Foul Game Play.


The Basic Elements of Foul Game Play 1.


Element 2 Creating issues: The purpose of Relational Entanglements.


Elements 3 and 4 Issues of danger and presented ideas.


The victim’s “bad experience” and the Medical Evidence that shows up foul game play.



Mental Attacks and the very stuff of physical disease.


DISEASES are SERIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.. CRIMES OF THE WORST KIND.. MURDER 1 when a person dies of them. They are crimes of terror, the real terror. The incidents we see, such as 9/11, are just the tip of the iceberg. These crimes are done in all areas of life DAILY.. from the home front –(being the personal politics of toxic spouses and toxic siblings), to the workplace, to social situations of all kinds right up to politics. These crimes are done in every area of life because at the heart of these matters is the gaining of power and influence, to manipulation and control others within relationship. If we act now we can fight and won this war IN THE MIND! Remarkable but true!

The worst of the news about these crimes is that maltreatment is most commonly meted out by someone that the victim knows and trusts, namely spouses, siblings, even parents, “best friends”, confidantes, trusted workmates etc., etc. They do not look and act like criminals. On the contrary most appear attractive, even seductive, friendly and comforting. In some cases they are those we trust the most.

Yes indeed it is very hard to appreciate that others, with whom you are related, in some cases those that you consider your nearest and dearest, that those you trust would betray you and violate you in this hideous manner. I understand that because I have been there myself. Indeed it was a desperate move of my husband’s to reveal his foul actions and associates that turned the lights on. If you are interested you can read the account here http://stressanddisease.blogspot.com.au/

I call these people “toxic”, they call themselves evil and the medical industry through psychiatry and psychology have created categories and call them by a variety of names including narcissistic, antisocial, psychopaths, sexual deviants etc. These people are NEVER “stand-alone items”, they never act individually, but ALWAYS act as a group. They cannot play these devious games to gain power and influence over another person, while appearing uninvolved and innocent of wrongdoing themselves, without like-minded others involved, “their toxic friends”. There are mobs /networks, and networks of networks them, but there are no formal organizations with signed up members. It is all word of mouth and people networking with likeminded others for mutual benefit. But they do have deadly codes like all other mobs.

To understand these people a little more and to appreciate how they are recruited and made go to the following two posts.

The Toxic People and their networks.. Who are they? PART1.


Toxic people, their networks and 21st century organized crime. PART 2



In misrepresenting emotions and comfort zones and denying ESP sure a lot of money can be made because the true causes of disease remain hidden and DISEASE IS BIG BUSINESS! But in doing so they hide the culprits.. the worst criminal elements in society. They ensure that toxic people can play foul games with impunity. They ensure that toxicity can proliferate in society. So they put the average person’s health and wellbeing and even life at stake and for money. Little wonder that community is fragmented and falling apart, people are isolated, life is for many nothing but drudgery and disease flourishes.


This is where we discover the LAST PARAMETER in the equation above. The unsuspecting person’s bodily reactions can be seen in their many facets, from all angles.

In what areas can a person be attacked?

Number 1. The heart.

If the victim is “prepped” first, then the standard panic/anxiety attack will procure a serious heart problem.

Have a look here in these posts.

Heart Disease: The games get more serious AND deadly.


The preparing an unsuspecting person for a heart attack!


How lay people can do the experiments needed for discovery.


Staging a serious heart problem


SOLUTIONS. What you can do to prevent heart problems!



Enduring anger is used creatively in a lot of heart attack prepping. Anger can also be used episodically. Then a different sort of problem arises for the victim. As you can see in these posts here (these are still pending).

Diabetes Type 2. Part 1


Diabetes type 2 Part 2



Number 2. The brain.

The brain can be attacked either directly or indirectly. And some of the methods used can be used more subtly so that no damage is done but the person can be seriously mentally disabled for a short while, especially in causing temporary confusion and memory losses. This gives the offenders the opportunity to take a live, unharmed adult out of a busy shopping center for instance.. abduction for a very dark purpose.. a hate crime.

Strokes or cerebral vascular accidents are no accidents.


How can strokes be silent?



Number 3. Any organ or tissue in the body..

hence Cancer.  

I have started a blog to make my criticisms of Richard Dawkin’s book “The God Delusion” and in it I am using cancer as an example for various criticisms. In order to use this example I have written a “brief” account of cancer but while it is brief relative to the amount of material I will eventually post here, it is still several posts long. If you go to the blogs contents page (see link below) you can find the posts.


I am also in the process of making some videos to help people understand how they can effect spontaneous remission from any cancer deliberately. The cancer will not dissolve overnight. The immune system may take several weeks to dissolve it away completely.

Cancer is a paper tiger!


Anger and the flu-like symptoms in cancer!


The Role of Fear in Cancer Creation


Hate Video and the images of Hate


Why does the cancer form? Part1


Part 2


Some background issues to help understand why a person is affected by the foul play in relation to cancer.


Re-examining fear using the second example of esophageal cancer to give more light on the issue.


A post about awareness that will help understand more about fear and it’s implications but also later with respect to mental prescriptions.


I am still posting here at this point.


                   But reality is bare rocks and demons!


AND they have an Achilles’ Heel!

  • The real medical evidence that lay, humane people can research and verify..
  • The reality that you need no medicines and no doctors will free you, ensure your health!

Knowledge is POWER.

To understand what sort of dirty games are play and how the body reacts.

Knowledge is FREEDOM.

To understand how a person can be manipulated and controlled and in that understanding being able to overcome the evil and walk away free.


This knowledge opens up a new landscape in ways that were unimaginable before. We have the opportunity to gain enormous mental /spiritual strength when we become true warriors for truth and justice and understand our true innate abilities.

A worldwide movement of humane people is needed, people who are empowered and realize their full spiritual potential. TOGETHER humane people can take a very powerful stance, to stand against the evil and destroy it.

WE CAN WIN. And not only regain our health and wellbeing but we fight corruption as well and restore community in its deepest most satisfying sense.  

I am under heavy fire, a most vicious, dirty war is waged against me, with toxic people including police and those in “high places” involved, and it has gone on for more than 10 years now. My personal life has been reduced to rubble and I have lost three cats in the process, but I am alive and healthy and so are my two dogs. And I use nothing more than mental prescriptions. If I can stand under such punishing conditions, every other person out there who is humane can also survive and regain their health.

If you are a theist you will particularly benefit from the use of mental prescriptions. Certainly they can be useful to agnostics and atheists as well but for them they have more limited use. Theists gain the greatest benefit because God is where the power is. And for this reason evil people, who are haters of God, have no benefit whatsoever.

The mental prescriptions I use are really no different to specific forms of prayer. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to, a belief in God is enough for you to be able to pray. And when you can ask for specific things from God, then you benefit far more than you can from vague prayers. All that you ask for, for yourself and those under your care, such as children, pets and anyone else for whom you are a care-giver, will be given to you.

If you are a young person who finds life has become weird, who is losing or lost friends and who may be experiencing disease, whether called mental or physical then you will benefit. I strongly believe that the older generations have a duty to enlighten the youth as to the sorts of evil that are to be found and to assist them in every way to overcome that evil and destroy it. Young people have a right to live in a good world and not one that is a living hell. And the world can become a very good place if we all work together to expose the evil everywhere and restore community, health and wellbeing to all humane people everywhere.

æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ.

NOTE: All this information is to be treated as the author’s opinion. You need to investigate for your own benefit, not only to arrive at your own informed opinion, but to empower yourself to beat disease and stay well. I found that asking other was not good enough, not even asking “the experts” because other people may have their own agendas and interests to serve. Only when you investigate by doing experiments together with others, to experience first-hand the stress and early disease conditions can the knowledge you gain move from being simply intellectual to a full realization of the truth!

æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ.

The information is vast and I have only summarized it here. I hope to be able to provide bulk of what I have in an e-book so that people can take advantage of all that I have learnt, both in how the major diseases come about and to overcome them completely, without or with minimal medical help and to go on from there to not get sick again!

æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ.

My other blogs

Ethics are spiritual but natural laws  http://liberatingethics.wordpress.com/

Stress & disease  http://www.stressanddisease.blogspot.com.au/  (personal experiences )

My photography blog  http://kyrani99photos.wordpress.com/

My paintings blog  http://seemypaintings.wordpress.com/

My criticism of the book “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins


An ex-type 2 diabetic’s blog: http://extype2diabetes.wordpress.com/

And while I discuss type 2 diabetes through my own experience, I do give some insights into type 1 diabetes and how it might be cured using mental prescriptions (I’ll be posting soon) through my insights from cancer and how the immune system may be affected to attack tissues and cells.

I have started a new blog here https://kyrani99videos.wordpress.com/

where I will post all my videos.

æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ. æ.æ. æ. æ. æ.


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counterattacks in The Mind for protection and ward off offenders

You can counterattack your enemies and stop them in their tracks if they have threatened you or intend to do something bad to you or are doing things to do you harm. You can do it in self defence.

To do a counterattack you can simply uphold the image of the person or persons, who is/ are intending to harm you or are doing things to harm you. So, as in the diagram above, you can use a mental image of the offender(s) and see their head(s) blown off. Alternatively you can also get an image of them on a paint program, eg MS paint on a computer or even on a smart phone. The image can be a photograph, but if you don’t have a photograph you can remote view the enemy or enemies and draw a sketch of them.

To remote view you first ask for each person, who is trying to harm you, “I want to see/ draw the image of the person, who is being harmful towards me”. You can instead simply say “a counterattack for whoever is trying to harm me”. Then you hold a blank mind. Do not try and use imagination here. Let your hand with pen or pencil or the computer mouse or any other implement you use to draw. It will feel like it is automatic.

Once you have an image I suggest that whichever method you use, you save a copy of the image because you might want to use it again or you might want it for future reference. So cut and paste the image, which is most often only the head and enlarge it if you want to. If you have drawn the image on paper then you might want to take a photo of it.

Now use the image that you have to do the counterattack, which will help you ward them off and stop them troubling you.

If you are using MS Paint, then use a red background colour and the free-form selection tool. There is no specific order to do things but you might start by using some zig zagging across their head and delete so that there is the image of a bleeding cracked skull. You can also cut out a circular region over the forehead. And you can make streaks running down the face. Then you can cut out the area of the mouth and below from the neck, so that it represents bleeding from the mouth and neck. Do the same with the eyes and ears and the nose too if you want to. Make these cuts extend downwards so that when you delete the cut section there is the appearance of red blood running down their cheeks and necks.

This gives you a mental image to uphold in The Mind. It is effective in blocking the hateful efforts of any and all enemies, but as I said earlier only if you are being harmful towards you, which includes an intention to do you harm. And posing a concealed threat as well as presenting you with some pathological idea is at the very least intending to do harm. You can also use this method if there is an intention to attack someone under your care.

You can also apply this as a directive to the Universe, to set condition under an “if statement”. For example, IF they attempt to do X (some possible harm or troubling, hassle etc.,), then this happens, e.g., they fall down break their evil head and die, the moment they intend to do X or the moment they move to do X, if you know of something that they want to do. But you can simply say “harm” instead. Anytime you sense someone might be hassling you, you can ward them off

The battle is fought and won IN THE MIND.. i.e., the Universal Mind, or The Mind of God. This is the common platform through which we all interrelate and interact because it is the foundation of all information. Everything that manifests in the physical plane is underpinned by information in The Mind.

………………………………………………………………….. COUNTER ATTACK!

If the stalker is someone you see or can take a photo of then you can use that image too. Just upload the image onto MS paint and take the head off and put red color screaming out of the neck.

There was a guy that was coming into my street and going passed my house and the idea presented was “just gone passed”. it was presented with a slight pause so the meaning was changed. “Just gone (pause) passed”. The aim was to make a suggestion that I died.

I took a picture of him in his car from my window and did the following.

Next time he drove past my house and tried the same I responded mentally with “yeah, just gone.. passed” and had the image in front of me. He freaked. I could sense the fear. He never did it again.

If you don’t have an image you just use remote viewing. This means you keep a blank mind. Don’t try and imagine anything. Let your hand with the pencil or the mouse on the screen do the drawing. What I do then is copy it so I have the original and then I do the mental counter attack on the copy. If you are drawing it with pen and paper then you can’t do a copy. On the computer it is easy to make a copy.

It is very effective in warding off the offender because when the person tries to do harm to another person that is unwarranted, i.e., not as a result of self defense, then that person sets conditions in the Mind. The evidence shows that there is only One Mind and we as conscious beings all participate in/ on that One Mind. So if the offender has set up conditions to harm someone else, such as causing distress, then that condition becomes their downfall. It means there is a condition that you can use to do a counter attack in the Mind. That has direct physiological effects so they can’t continue to do you harm.

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Solutions for depression

The important thing to realize is that there is foul game play behind depression and indeed almost all diseases.

This is why there is a fight or flight or freeze response. The biomedical scientists are calling it a dysregulated fight or flight or freeze response because they don’t understand what is behind it. And the medical paradigm doesn’t help.

The medical paradigm considers the body a machine, so they are looking for why the machine has malfunctioned.

The danger and the worry do not co-exist because the person can only hold one idea in the Mind at anyone time. And similarly in sadness with foul game play behind it, the body’s attempts to adjust means there is a swing attempted between an excited state, which is really unrecognized fear and low metabolism.

Without the foul game play and the person’s reaction of fear, there is no problem. We may be sad or we may worry but the body’s functions are not disturbed. It is suggested ideas that we mistake as our own thinking or memories that cause the problem.

And unknowingly, unwittingly, we may appraise the bodily reactivity as conformation / approval of those ideas as valid ideas. Thus we will react. This is the pitfall.

So we need to recognize the ideas are not our own thinking. And you will see that they occur out of the blue and not part of your thinking. And in recognizing this we can reject the ideas.

You also need to realize that emotional reactivity that arises out of the blue, arises suddenly, is suspect. It has to have a reason. We don’t just suddenly experience emotion.

This is also important because we value or devalue, weight up ideas based on our emotional reactivity. So recognizing this is not associated with the ideas means we can reject the ideas are valueless. Indeed they are rubbish ideas.

Once you recognize the reality of the foul game play and the ideas and emotion are not related, then the problem is over.

You can find my video on depression and solutions where I discuss all these matter in much greater depth on Youtube here:

depression video 25th July2021 – YouTube

I have made it age restricted because the subject matter is possibly not for anyone young without parental assistance. So you need to sign into Youtube to see it.

I am making a separate video on the symptoms of depression to discuss how they are clear evidence of the foul game play. So the psychiatric position of calling people, who point to others in their life as messing with them, messing with their mind, as delusional is not valid. No one can scare themselves. There has been science done to show that a fight or flight response cannot be ignited in the body without real danger.

The fight or flight response declines digestion and reproduction/ sexuality. It also declines immunity if the danger is seen to be external. However there is reason for immunity to come back on, which is why we may see immunological markers in many people with depression, especially those with serious anxiety problems.

I would like to say something to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one to help prevent depression.

Firstly for theists.

If you believe in God then you believe in an afterlife. And you know that the soul is eternal. Love is a connection, a spiritual connection between souls, so you will be re-united in the afterlife. The loss is temporary! Thus you can’t be hassled by any ideas that you’re unfortunate etc.

And in the meantime, that loved one will be looking over you to try and bring you love and help you as you journey on in this life.

Secondly for the atheists.

You don’t believe in any afterlife. So you need to say goodbye to your loved one. And realize that you were very fortunate to have had that loved one in your life. When you can say goodbye you can’t be hassled.

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What causes depression?

If we look at what doctors and therapists have to say we find that around two thirds of people with depression suffer some sort of anxiety, sometimes with anger as well. Most of the remainder suffer with sadness and a small number don’t understand why they are depressed.

Certainly some medications for high blood pressure cause depression and some medications for depression cause high blood pressure. In fact most, it has been found in recent studies that the people with depression, who have high blood pressure, are on antidepressants that cause the high blood pressure. It is not as was thought in the past that the depression causes the high blood pressure.

So it is important to say that in my discussion I am considering the depression as is without medications involved which complicate the matter.

So let us examine the case of anxiety firrst. There are two main types. One has two aspects, those are fear and worry.

Here the person thinks of the problem they perceive over and over, trying to find some solution. So why can’t they let go of it, especially when often it seems unimportant.? The reason is because of the unrecognized bodily reactivity.

They perceive the ideas pointing at the issue, but they mistake the bodily reactivity as evidence that the ideas and thus the issue are serious. They don’t recognize that there is necessarily fear, though sometimes they do. They may recognize the fear if the ideas for instance have to do with possibly losing their job or their spouse etc. So they appraise their bodily reactivity based on the ideas. The bodily reactivity will seem like higher emotional charge or perhaps feeling hot all of a sudden. It is not until they perceive the ideas that they appraise their bodily reactivity. So they may also appraise their bodily reactivity as approval or agreement or confirmation etc.

In any case, if they are lead to believe that the issue is serious then they won’t be able to let go of it. Of course sometimes the issue may really be serious, which makes things worse. But even here the problem for the person is that they see the bodily reactivity as being concurrent with the ideas and thus it is natural to feel that they are related, when in fact they are not related. The fear is due to a concealed threat where the idea is mere suggestion, but pointing to an issue that exists or one that may be created.

Now the fight or flight response, fear in other words, declines the thinking part of the brain.

So for the person to think about the issue or problem and find some solution their body will try to return to resting metabolism to firstly re-ignite the thinking areas of the brain for problem solving to occur AND to give these areas an advantage for fuel materials (oxygen and glucose) over the musculature, because in fight or flight the reverse is the case. In fight or flight the body moves to give the muscular the advantage for fuel materials. But as the person starts to think about the issues and problem solve they again become aware that the issue poses some danger. This again re-ignites fight or flight (fear).

These two conditions, i.e., fear and worry, do not co-exist because we can only uphold one idea in the Mind at any one time. So with the idea of danger there is fear in the body and with the need to problem solve there is a return to resting metabolism in the body.

So we end up with a swinging metabolism back and forth and back and forth. This means the heart is badly affected getting successive signals to go fast then slow then fast again and so on. It is little wonder that various inflammatory markers or cytokines are seen in people with depression. With such stress on the heart the heart muscle may become damaged, even if not serious. However even mild damage the body will move to repair it so an inflammatory response will be ignited. Hence the presence of cytokines in the blood stream.

It is important to say here that guilt can be manufactured using anxiety and if the past event was serious enough then this could cause serious anxiety and thus lead to depression. Guilt is manufactured using a past issue that the person had misjudged or didn’t address sufficiently, often owing to stress. And of course this stress can and often is the result of foul game play. It takes advantage of the fact that in fight or flight the cognitive function is somewhat declined so the person is unable to think straight or even be in a mental fog.

Thus ideas of “you didn’t do this or that”, which should have been done, can be repeatedly presented. And of course presented under a concealed threat. Hence the person overall perception is of a seriously bad feeling. Thus they become distressed and hence depressed.

The other type of anxiety involves issues of danger again because the same concealed threat is used, but here the other aspect is issues of injustice and /or a violation.

This can make matters worse for the heart because a dangerous breathing pattern may be ignited.

With anger, which is how the high metabolic state will be interpreted, there is deep and forceful breathing. With the worry aspect though there is shallow subtle breathing. these two will create more problems with the heart and more likelihood of heart muscle becoming stressed and damaged somewhat. So it is more likely that with this type of anxiety there will be inflammatory markers or cytokines seen in the bloodstream.

The other aspect of depression is sadness and here again there is a concealed threat, so it is not simply sadness. The person may be grieving for the loss of a loved one or they may believe that they are remembering some past trauma. However even if grieving the ideas are continually being presented to them in the Mind. And what appears as past memories are again not memories at all but mental suggestions about past issues or events or people etc.

Sadness due to a loss and seeming recollection of past trauma do not create the strong swinging back and forth as does anxiety because there are no issues to resolve. But, there is still a conflict as the person repeatedly perceives the loss or the past trauma. If there is the perception of a possible loss then that would create anxiety and effort to try and find a way of avoiding that loss if possible. If however the past loss was due to foul game play, there is again an injustice issue so there may also be anger. And anger worsens the situation so there is more serious depression.

Here the body moves to low metabolism to adjust back to resting metabolism with the memory of the loved one.

If there is foul game play and unrecognized fear, then the readjustment process will be endless because the excited state is really fear and not something needing adjustment. Only when the person realizes that there is foul game play and then the whole picture changes because they realize the emotion is not excitement but fear and the ideas are not recollections but hateful suggestions aimed to influence.

Once they realize it they can reject the ideas knowing it is not their own thinking or memories. Only our own thinking carries our authority, which is why we may react. Hateful suggestions are bogus, carrying no authority, so we don’t react.

In the last case, where the person is unable to understand why they are depressed, I strongly suspect that the “freeze” aspect of the fight or flight or freeze response is activated. If the person is threatened in some way as to effectively say “you better lay low or you better not do anything or else”,

then if the matter is serious, they may become unable to function normally.

Depending on the level of the threat and the issue that they perceive and of course the degree of the concealed threat, the freeze aspect could be serious and involve an inability even to move or speak.

With all of these conditions, in some worse than in others, many organs of the body are affected, however the organ most affected is the heart. The heart becomes ineffective as a pump so the metabolism falls to a low level and cannot sustain any changes as it would in normal resting metabolism.

Thus the person cannot enjoy anything in life because enjoyment is an excited heart rate above resting metabolism. And as the heart rate variability is affected and low, the person’s body metabolism cannot vary. So they cannot experience excitement, a slightly raised metabolism above resting metabolism.

This is the characteristic symptom of depression called anhedonia or inability to experience pleasure. And it is the reason why they lose interest in life. Life is about ups and downs, but without the ups, the downs become overwhelming. So it is very important that a person is able to have some enjoyment out of their life.

A person’s coping habit, which involves changes in breathing can also complicate the overall problem and make the depression worse. If they have elevated metabolism coping habit, then the heart may become over exerted. On the other hand, if they have lowered metabolism coping habit then the heart will become even more conflicted. I have discussed comfort zones and coping habits here: COMFORT ZONES & COPING HABITS. | kyrani99 (wordpress.com)

In the next post I will discuss the solutions.

You can find my video on Depression and solutions on Youtube.

depression video 25th July2021 – YouTube

You will need to sign in to see it.

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Depression and solutions for it.

Depression is in two totally different categories, normal and pathological.

And the only thing that they have in common is low metabolism.

And even there, there are significant differences.

And after a time, when we have come to terms with the loss, we recover and resume normal life. And this time may vary greatly. If we are grieving over the loss of a loved one, the process may not only take weeks but months. However we will see a steady improvement in our feelings and slowly come back to normal. A limit of two weeks, which psychiatrists may claim, is unrealistic.

They are depressed not only for weeks and months, but for years, even an entire lifetime. And the picture can become complicated because..

And the reason for that will become obvious in my discussion.

What I have found, and the science conforms it, is that where depression becomes a disease, there is foul game play behind it.

I suspect that the biomedical scientists don’t know what they are looking at. There is also the problem that science only wants to consider the physical so we are seen as meat robots and thus everything, including thought has to be explained by the physical. So they are looking at brain chemistry and genes.

So the psychiatrists are saying that it is a brain disease,

The argument is made that there are chemical imbalances in the brain.

This line of reasoning has lead to drug development and drugs do bring much needed relief.

But they are not the solution to depression, not a cure.

The psychiatrists and biomedical scientists are now saying that it is basically…

…together with some other problems including genetics.

Genetics because they see it run in families. And if it runs in families then it must be genetic.

AH BUT there are other reasons why it runs in families!

Now the question is why, if the fight or flight response raises the metabolism, is the metabolism low???

And in depression the heart rate variability is low, unlike in normal and grieving states where the heart rate variability is high.

In the grieving process the heart rate variability can still fluctuate. In depression it is held low. In simple language this means that a person, who is grieving can still enjoy the company of a loved one, a friend etc., and enjoy a joke and get some pleasure out of it. In depression this is not possible.

Now the simple view that the physical is all that there is, is at heart problematic.

Important evidence is being thrown out. A person’s gut feeling is very important evidence but the psychiatric profession views it as delusional thinking and paranoia.

Many people seeking therapy talk of severe anxiety, thoughts that arise and repeat over and over about issues, some that indicate some danger and some that indicate some injustice or a violation and others that indicate sadness, a loss past, present or possibly future loss. These ideas cannot arise by themselves out of the person’s.. I should say mythical subconscious, because none has been shown to exist. Indeed even the many minds theory, that everyone has a personal mind, has no science behind it. And yet not only do they advocate that the mind is an emergent property out of the brain’s complexity, but so too is consciousness.

An important piece of evidence that we have from the biomedical experiments,

Is that while subjects can look at images or think up scenarios in the Mind and show evidence of all other emotions, they cannot self-create fear.

The fight or flight response will only fire up where there is real danger. So the notion that they are worrying over something imaginary or sad that they may loss something as imagination, is not possible. Furthermore, the fight or flight response is not evident in the grieving process, nor in worrying. It is evident only in anxiety and depression and in depression owing to a variety of issues that the person with pathological depression will complain about.

Why do serious anxiety issues and sadness, in the underhanded foul game play, cause depression? I will discuss this in the next post.

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Why did I get cancer the first time?

In looking back, and with hindsight, having had more cancer episodes in the following decade or more, I can see how and why I developed cancer in that first episode. And not only cancer I had high blood sugars too, which they diagnosed as type 2 diabetes, but that was certainly, as I realized later associated with the cancer. (Note: only the first episode was diagnosed by doctors.)

With hindsight and now knowing that cancer is a nocebo effect and the result of very underhanded foul game play, this is my estimation as to why I developed the cancer.

First I had a lot of enemies. Some were related to me and were old enemies and bad ones at that. There had been at least two attempts on my life that I am certain about, but for which I have no independent evidence. These happened between the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s.

Then in Cairns I had, if I could say it this way, set off alarm bells ringing. This was a long time before my work as an activist for social justice began. I had helped several people with issues in their life and saw that they had become well from physical ailments. This was interesting to me as a scientist.  I started to question things that I saw that appeared to be unjust in some of these and other people’s lives. I was a long, long way from understanding enough though. But I did help them enough to overcome the more serious problems and be on guard. So I was no doubt perceived as a threat by inhumane people, who were frustrated by their failed efforts to manipulate and control others in their lives. Specifically those others I had helped.

There were also some differences between with some people and myself, who I later found were antisocial or inhumane, whichever way we are to name them. These were not really serious conflicts as I saw them, but obviously they had their nose out of joint. But then some of these people get their back up if you disagree with them about the weather.

One of these people, who I believed organized all the others against me had been a friend, or at least I thought he was a friend. He had fished information from me in one conversation after another at various times. He had told me about his relatives and thus gained a position to ask me about mine. He basically wanted to know who was on my side and who was not. Who was I close to and who I couldn’t trust and so on. At the time it didn’t seem odd, but since it has made me realize you have to be very careful what you say and to whom you say it.

Anyway, the next thing I knew a close relative, whom I should not have trusted at all, nor even agreed to see, had rung me and wanted to visit me in Cairns and stay at my two bedroom house for a week. I believe that she was involved in the earlier attempts on my life, but I couldn’t prove it. And she had pleaded innocence. She had remarried and there were 4 children in the combined new married situation. This was a lot, but they pleaded that they would only stay a week. “Would I please, please, please allow them to stay with me in the small house I was renting at the time. They really wanted to see me and spend some time with me, they said. I lived one street away from the beach so they said they also wanted their kids to be able to do some swimming while they could. They lived a long way from the beach. Against my better judgement I finally agreed.

On the day that they arrived in Cairns there was no call, nor the next day. Then on the third day I got a call and in a rather rough voice she said, “Gee we’ve been in Cairns two days and thought maybe it’s about time we give you a call, ha, ha, ha” or something to that effect. I don’t recall her exact words. I should have slammed the phone down on her right there, but I thought maybe that would be rude. And maybe she’d had a hard time with the kids. And maybe I should be more considerate as they were relatives etc. So I said “you’ve got somewhere to stay then?”

“Oh no, no, no” she said, now in a sweet voice. “We stayed at a caravan park as it was night time by the time we arrived. They had driven up the coast in their 4WD. “We thought to stay there so that we didn’t come to your house at night and disturb you at night” she said. She was all sweetness now. Then she said “the kids wanted to stay here at the caravan park for a few days, but the place is booked out from now on”. I didn’t know whether to believe her or not, but I thought to give her the benefit of the doubt. They came to my house and stayed a week and there was nothing uneventful. Then they left.

On looking back now though, I could see that they had plenty of time in my absence (I was working every day) to find out who all my neighbors were. This then enables them to discover who is inhumane and “on their side” and thus could be brought into the foul game play. I suspect that one of their aims was to photographed everything, inside my house and out and even down the street and from the opposite side. I suspect this because in some of the mental imagery that I later had there were images of my house looking at it from the other side of the street. I had never crossed to the opposite side of the street. When I crossed the road to have a look I confirmed that the mental image of my house was as a photograph from directly opposite the street. I had lived there for a year but never had such imagery before, nor any mental images of any other house, in which I lived.

Now, after my late, psychopathic husband had talked to me about how the inhumane operate, I realized why the rough voice followed by the sweet voice in that phone call on the third day in Cairns. The inhumane person aims to show, momentarily, the ugly character, which is their real character, within and then detract it. I had only ever known her by her mask. I had at the time fallen into this pit. I had seen the ugly character but then dismissed it as maybe an aberration.

I have explained it in this Quora answer: https://www.quora.com/Psychopaths-what-are-you-like-without-the-mask-Do-you-really-have-no-real-identity-What-do-you-benefit-from-answering-questions-on-Quora/answer/Kyrani-Eade

So after that she was able to present ideas to me mentally, owing to the close relationship (note a close relationship doesn’t mean a good relationship) and I would perceive those ideas but could not perceive the presenter of those ideas. The ideas just appeared to pop into Mind and I believed at the time that they were my ideas. This is very important because our own thinking and ideas carry our authority. This is why we may react to them and inadvertently bring into being adverse bodily reactivity if those ideas are negative.

Some of the ideas presented to me seemed to me to be associated with a lawsuit I had in progress as I was trying to recover money owed to me by a company I had invested in earlier. As things were proceeding, I wasn’t going to be able to recover more than half of my money. The ideas here were “a lot get wasted” or “a lot got wasted” But this idea was colored by another meaning. How was that done?

Night after night, from across the street and down the street a short distance, I started to hear a baby crying. It cried for at least half an hour to an hour almost every night. The ideas here were “where’s that coming from?” and “is something wrong there?” and “what’s wrong there?” Again, at the time I saw these ideas as simply referring to the baby crying for some reason. However, these ideas were being used together with a vague mental image of possible harm.  And the possible harm was also made to align with possible loss of money. This was reinforced by the idea of “a lot get wasted”, which I had thought was money, but which they were indicating first as ova and then as in “a lot” meaning a lot of something AND “get wasted” meaning possible harm or possible damage”. And the “possible” was stitched up because the lawsuit was ongoing and there was “possible” whatever outcome. Nothing was certain.

The ideas aimed to point to my ovary on the right side. This was done by first knowing the organization of my living room and where I sat to do my work on my computer at night. The area from where the sound of the baby crying was on my right side. So ideas of “on that side” or “from that side” or “from that place” seemed to be about the crying baby that I heard, but were also aimed to point at my right side.

Where that’s coming from?” I had seen to mean where is that sound coming from? But now I realize the meaning was “where that (a baby) is coming from?” ‘That‘, i.e., the baby, of course is originally an ovum, which is fertilized to form a zygote that then travels to the uterus. And the ideas of “what’s wrong there?” which I had seen as being a problem for the infant crying. Why was the infant crying? However, the suggestion was really trying to indicate that there was a problem in the ovary.

I certainly felt stressed at those times and didn’t understand why. Now I know that there would have been a concealed threat. And there was someone, who had a spare key to my house, and who later I realized was indeed inhumane and no doubt part of the underhanded foul play. He would have been sourced while the relatives were staying at my house.

So my body had reacted as to build a barrier, a cell barrier to try and shield the area from possible harm. That is a tumor in medical terms. I will continue with another episode where a similar sort of game play was done, before I continue with what happened next.

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Cancer story part 2 Metastasis.

I will continue the discussion on the cancer story given to the public.

THE STORY ABOUT CANCER video 2 metastasis WP

And again I will use the scientific research findings to show you…

in the med research

the story about metastasis

Story sold to PUBLIC IS

is bogus.

in the med research bogus1

The public is told that cancer cells break off

break free1 -crackand break free

break free2

and then punch holes through the basement membrane

cancer cell become mobile

cancer stem cell punch hole thru

and pass through to invade local tissues.

cancer stem cell punch hole pass thru

Or they squeeze through the blood or lymphatic vessel walls

squeeze through

squeeze through3

travel through the circulation

and travel,

WORK cancer cell enters bloodstreamfgggdg

travel throughout the body.


travel throughout the body

but most don’t survive.

travel throughout the body but most dont survive - 1

The few that do survive get jammed in some tissue

few survive jammed in tissue

Most don’t survive because they are attacked by the immune system cells.

attack by immune system2



attack and kill kill

attack by immune system3

Let’s not forget that by this stage the immune system cells, it has been claimed, have been immuno-edited.

immune cell by this stage1

immune cell1 immuno edited1

and immune system cells cannot see cancer cells

Now suddenly recognize them as abnormal and attack them and kill them where ever they see them.

So it is claimed that  million leave the primary site but only a few survive and get jammed in some tissue.

millions break off

The few that do survive get jammed in some tissue in some distant place in the body.

in some distant part

Or they break apart the basement membrane and enter into the tissues beyond.

OR break apart basement membrane

OR break apart the basement membrane - 1

OR break apart basement membrane into tissues beyond

and begin to grwo


In the MEDICAL RESEARCH LITERATURE though, we find that there are very complex metastatic cascades.

in the med research complex mcas

It is not a simple matter of breaking off.

millions break off for Quora answer

In fact a very complex, mult-step biological program is undertaken by the cancer cells.

EMT needed1undergo12

EMT needed1undergo123

For the fixed cells to become mobile.

EMT fixed to mobile1

EMT cells of linings

These are the most common cancers.


me yeah epigenetic changes1a

me yeah epigenetic changes2a

me yeah epigenetic changes3a

me yeah epigenetic changes4a

me yeah epigenetic changes5a

me yeah epigenetic changes6a

EMT needs signals from CAFs

ligands docking

EMTstromal and immune system cells

And this program is not unique to cancer.

And not unique to cancer

In sarcomas we even see macrophages become involved as metastatic cancer cells


We see macrophages transform into cancer metastatic cells.

macrophages transform 1234

and be almost indistinguishable from the real cancer metastatic cells.

almost indistinguishable

OR the macrophages fuse with the cancer cells.

fuse with macrophages1

fused cells macro and cancer

these transformed cells

cells move apart

can travel through mems1

can travel throughvessel walls into tissue


gripping handshakebnyt

gripping handshake

gripping handshake1

can travel throughvessel walls into tissue simplicity

And far from traveling at their own peril. Cancer cells are being assisted by the immune system cells.

cancer cells assisted by ISCells

protected in the bloodstream2

platelets cover them for their prottection

and there is more.

cancer stem cell pass exosomesdfds

cancer cells give exosomes to IS cellsghf

So the immune system cells go an prepare the new site.

after prepare new site with

they return to the primary site,

return to the primary site where

can travel throughvessel walls into tissues beyond11

The cancer and stromal cells that leave then follow the immune system cells by a process called chemo-taxis.

what is chemotaxis1

Let me explain by way of a common example.

smoker who exhales alone

smoker who exhales more concentrated

smoker who exhales

smoker who exhales alone`123

smoker chemo repellant chemotaxis1

immjune cells give off chemical arrow green

immjune cells guide the cancer cells3 detect

cancer and stromal cells stuck AT RIGHT LOCATION3

immune cells help

cancer and stromal cells stuck AT RIGHT LOCATION0

cancer and stromal cells stuck AT RIGHT LOCATION02

chemotaxis also used if

at the new site settle in



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Cancer story and scientific evidence

The public story about cancer and the scientific evidence from my video series on Youtube.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsBiTwhvbqM&list=PL0vGp6lNGae2oBWLbogsuZi4PlN4Ek3SP

In this post I will show you, using the scientific evidence,

that the story given to the public is bogus, inconsistent with the medical research findings.


It is important to understand the science to effect spontaneous remission of cancer deliberately. 

Note: I am not a doctor and do not give any medical advice.

The advice that I am giving is self help advice to help effect spontaneous remission of cancer. It does not interfere with medical treatments that you may want to have.


The scientific research findings contradict the public story


Seeing all those mutations they conjecture

that the cells with the errors or damage must accumulate more and more mutations and that from..

because as you will see in a later post there are changes that cannot come about from random errors and damage to the genome.

Then there is more conjecture that..


this story of abnormal cells dividing out of control in order to be willing to have the treatments that they have on offer  to regain their health, to survive.


A cancer tumor or cancer organ has stem cells, which in this case are cancer stem cells.

44 A cancer tumour has a basal mem stem cells2add

And the cancer stem cells give rise to all the other cancer cells

A cancer tumour has other cancer cells2add

And maybe even all; the other cells in total.

A cancer tumour has other cancer cells2a andgjdd

Normal cells, mainly connective tissue cells, may constitute from around 20% to as much as 80% or more of the total number of cells/ the cell content, in a cancer organ or tumor.

20 percent14a

And the novel cancer organ develops a blood supply, a lymphatic supply and in most solid tumors even a nerve supply.

And all of the cells communicate with each other and communicate meaningfully.

all cells communicate with each other meaningfully

all cells communicate with each other meaningfully eith immune system cells3jkn,m

all cells communicate with each other meaningfully eith immune system cellsgfdghbcv

A cancer tumour also has immune system cells enter

A cancer tumour also has immune system cells enter leave

biomedical scientists have observed..


that cancer displays order and organization and is in every sense new, novel oprgan.


But rather than asking how and why can this happen, all of the characteristics are being explained away.

cancer an organ explained away1

In the most ridiculous fashion


ridiculous from a biological point of view.

For instance they claim that cancer cells are rogue cells which recruit other normal cells

rogue cells2

This is not possible even in the entire life span of say 80 years because a lot of new proteins and new communications have to be forged between the cancer cells and the immune system cells. These cannot form in a long human life time, much less and infant’s lifetime. They are trying to explain why there are normal cells in the cancer organ.

and that this explains11sd

They also say that the cancer cells or cancer stem cells have hi-jacked the immune system cells.

hijack immune cells

And force them to do their bidding.

hijack immune cellsanf force them

This is outrageous and they go on to say more outrageous things such as the cancer cells trick the blood vessels to grow towards them

trick blood vessesls

to provide them with a blood supply,

grow towards them

and therefore nutrients and fuel materials.

Another explanation that is given is that the cancer stem cells have somehow turned on the embryonic stem cell capability.

cancer stem cell turned embryonic capability


cancer stem tuned on not explain

story given unrealistic biol12dfv

public need to see evidence


Next Post is on METASTASIS.

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Judging others based on half the population’s statistics

Someone found it hard to believe that I had 8 episodes of cancer, when “many people live a lifetime without cancer”.

It is trying to judge how many times a person has suffered by, at present figure, the 50% of the population who haven’t had cancer.

The reality is that the majority of people, who have had cancer, have died within 5-10 years. Survival that doctors talk about is 5-10 years. If they didn’t die, if they were treated, they would have suffered repeated attacks, i.e., more and more cancers. I was able to beat the odds, to survive and without medical help because I would not have survived if I had sought treatment from doctors. There were toxic doctors saying that they would butcher me if they had the chance to “treat me”.

I had the right credentials, of:

1. having studied enough in human biology as part of my science degree, to give me the knowledge I needed to understand what I was observing and studying in my body,

2. having successfully mastered insight meditation as to have a means of investigation.

3. having had a toxic husband, who was desperate enough to “dob on the evil mob” to which he belonged, in order to stop me from leaving him,

4. having the guts to open my mouth and talk, to inform those less fortunate than myself, to work as an activist,

5 to be able to endure against a bitter enemy that is threaded seamlessly throughout society and who have the solid support of the medical industry, owing to the buying power of the pharmaceutical companies.

There are many corrupt doctors, whose greed is such that they gladly accept the pay checks of millions of dollars to betray those who are suffering AND the general population, because they influence public opinion. The set forth a story about cancer that has NO scientific basis. They betray the public and no doubt in my mind that they help destroy any doctor who tries to help people, genuinely tries to help. You will find many cases of such doctors that end up with cancer, that is recurrent and finally kills them.

Furthermore I am an activist and standing against a hugely corrupt industry, the corrupt politicians, whose pockets they line and the corrupt police those politicians employ to do their dirty work AND the multitude of toxic people.

So my suggestion was “you want to have a look at the list of activist who have worked to make a difference to the humane people of the world and see their suffering.”

Posted in cancer, spontaneous remission, statistics | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Roles played by emotions and mirror neuron activity in the brain.

I found that emotions play a number of very different roles in cancer and they are almost always used in combination with general suggestions and subliminal mental images.

Emotions play key roles in cancer and to my knowledge there are three key areas.

1. Fear used in manufacture belief.

2. Anger is used to cause a person to fight more aggressively but unfortunately as they perceive a theatre of war in the body, rather than in the interpersonal –mental environment, their fight only leads to more aggressive cancers.

3. To facilitate activity is some part of the body in order to trick the body into believing there is a problem of some sort, which of course is only a part of the deception.

The hateful images used are not easily discernible. They are subconsciously perceived. When we perceive some image or event that relates to the body, be it our own or someone else’s it will trigger mirror neuron activity.

What I saw happen was that mental images cause reactivity in some part of the body that is depicted by the mental image. However the body is smart. It says “yeah there is activity but it is due to this image”. That is because there are sensory neurons that take information up to the brain.

So if you see someone having their shoulder stroked you will have mirror neuron activity and some sense of the action on your own shoulder but you won’t consciously feel any sensation in your shoulder because of the sensory neuron information. If however your shoulder was numb then your body would be fooled and you would feel the sensation of having your shoulder stroked when you see it in the other person.

You can see this explained here simply here: https://www.ted.com/talks/vs_ramacha…on?language=en

About mirror neurons, short and sweet, just 8 mins, by a famous neuroscientist, who works at the University of California. This is a ted talk. And in it he talks about how one can feel another experience if the body is numbed and thus confused. He talks simply and easy to understand even if you never studied science.

In cancer the situation is similar but not due to numbing. What happens is that some issue is created so that there is some particular type of emotional reactivity in the body. Then when the image is presented and subconsciously perceived and the mirror neurons are activated, the body says.. mirror neuron so.. ah, but there is activity in that part of the body so it is real! The body is confused because it is getting the sensations that it would get if there really was the activity happening as in the hateful image.

emotion used cunningly
So I found that esophageal cancer was associated with worry. When we worry, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. The reason is because to do serious thinking the brain does not want to be competing with the musculature for fuel. However the parasympathetic nervous system also stimulates digestion, so the mouth, oesophagus and down to the stomach are all activated. Not as much as when you eat something but enough to fool the body into believing the hateful mental images and thus react when there is no need to react.

emotion used cunningly in grief
In bowel cancer grief is the associated emotion and in lung cancer sadness. In this case it has to do with metabolic housekeeping. In both of these situation water metabolism is involved Both the lungs and the bowel are involved in the preservation of water so that no unnecessary excess water is lost. The kidney is also an excretory organ but it is more affected by fear.

Posted in anger, anxiety, bowel cancer, cancer, disease, emotional reactivity, emotions, esophageal cancer, fear in cancer, flu-like symptoms, grief, ideas, issues, large intestine, malicious intent, maltreatment, mental attacks, oesophageal cancer, oesophagus, perception and reaction, sadness, stress, subjective experience, uses of fear, worry | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cancer may be domestic or workplace or social violence

It seems that where there is physical violence involving one family member against another family member, no one bats an eyelid, It is acceptable.

Everyone appreciates that:
There are men who have raped their 2 year old daughters, that doesn’t make all men child rapists.
There are men who have beaten their wives to death, that doesn’t make all men wife haters /murderers.

There are women who have abused their children, even killed their children, that doesn’t make all women child killers.

There are women that have killed/poisoned their husbands, that doesn’t make all women husband killers.

I studied law for a few years and I was shocked to see that in criminal law some of the worst murders happened within the family, one family member against another.

No one gets offended about any of these, but when it comes to underhanded emotional/mental abuse/murder as to manifest as disease and disease related death, it seems to be different. So why is that the case?

I have seen cases where definitely one spouse is hateful against another, but there are plenty of cases where the abusers are outside the family. They may be work associates, neighbors, even seeming “good friends” and you will find in all cases they have won the other person’s trust in order to be close enough to hurt them. I have seen cases where some outside the family has been jealous of a married couple who are happy together and sought to harm one or both of them.

Maybe it is case of what people find comfortable or uncomfortable to talk about.

I remember back in the 1960’s if I spoke about having been abused by my parents I was equally shunned and attacked. “I’ve had people say things like “how can you possibly say this or that about your parents?”

The reality that I faced was a nothing to them. They wanted to go with a “mother wouldn’t do this and a father wouldn’t do that”, living in some candy world, senseless to the suffering of others around them. However there are also those who use these attitudes to hide behind. They know full well that there is violence but they are keen to show an apathetic face, some even glee at the other person’s suffering.. i.e., they are toxic people looking for narcissistic supply, to get pleasure from seeing another person suffering.

Toxic people also move to discredit the victim in the eyes of those who would give them moral support, often by quoting psychiatric opinion, which is baseless. Unless a person is related to another, there is no way to judge their interpersonal environment. A late-stage cancer patient, who begins to perceive that there are people among those that surround them, who are harmful, are deemed delusional and drugged. Psychiatrists have no yardstick to make the judgements they make. It is all profit driven.

However simply knowing the foul play a humane person can, without support of other nor medical help, whereas the toxic person is doomed, even with the  support of others AND the best medical help.

Posted in cancer, domestic violence, false friends, foul play, hate crimes, malicious intent, social violence, stress, toxic people, toxic relationships, workplace violence | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment